the difference

What's right for you?

Just like prawns and shrimps, coaching and consulting are also commonly confused with one another.

a couple of white ear buds sitting next to each other

20+ years
of experience

Brainstormingpartner &
road mapper

Vision  decision  strategy transition

hidden resources

Strong support,
both ways

Both coaching and consulting are viable ways to achieve your goals, sharpen your skills and grow beyond yourself or your business targets.

Yet the way in which coaching and consulting support you in achieving your goals is fundamentally different. While coaching focuses on self-empowerment and tapping into your own resources, consulting concentrates on specialist knowledge and best practice.

Nina Haberlehner - Logoicon Coaching


Nina Haberlehner - Logoicon Consulting


Together we explore possibilities that you might not see.

I take these possibilities and provide you with options based on my know-how and experience.

I support you in identifying roadblocks that prevent you from achieving your goals or finding success. Together we dig deep to find patterns of thinking that may be hindering your ability to thrive.

Supporting you in tapping into your own resources will enable you to permanently strengthen your confidence and find solutions yourself.

I provide an unbiased, outside perspective of your company’s strategies and methodologies. I support you in creating a game plan to take your business to the next level.

I can also backfill work that you might have trouble completing and share insider knowledge on what to consider when  working with partners and contractors.

I am your sounding board, asking purposeful questions to help you come up with your own answers and solutions. This will empower you to move forward in your life and business on your own terms at all times.

I give expert advice, providing you with customized solutions and answers based on my analysis of the situation and a strategic target definition. I provide solutions that suit your company values and your long-term objectives.

I help you uncover limiting beliefs. I challenge you, motivate you, hold space for you and hold you higher than you hold yourself – yet.

I identify knowledge gaps and strategic traps. I diagnose the problem and make a recommendation based on my know-how and 20+ years of experience.

I will support your growth as the leader of your business.

I will provide specific solutions for your business itself.

Sometimes it takes a combination of both to best reach your goal: reflective exploration and business expertise. In coaching, we ask powerful questions to create insight and pair it with solutions formed from authentic answers taken from consulting.

a multicolored telescope on a white background

Why hire me as a coach?

As your coach I help you develop your vision and leadership skills. New insights won’t just impact you now, they will equip you for long-term growth. You’ll uncover resources you weren’t yet aware of, along with courage, joy and the ability to let go of what isn’t serving you. You’ll start to live according to your values and they will become your most treasured, indispensable tool whenever you have to make a decision you feel unsure of.

Why choose me as a consultant?

I fill your knowledge gap without you having to become the expert. This can lead to better results in less time and frees you up to focus on other tasks. Consider me the auxiliary support to your existing team, your sparring partner offering you custom-made solutions with existing resources and the big picture in mind, helping you brainstorm and streamline ideas.

a compass with a black handle on a white background
a white electrical outlet with a multicolored circle around it

The power  of CCC

You might be wondering about the magic of the three Cs – Coaching, Consulting and Creative.

In order to live happily ever after or – in the case of a strong business – to grow continuously and with laughter, we need to shed our limiting beliefs, gain confidence, create long-lasting and flexible strategies with the resources currently available, look at the big picture and the people in it, never lose sight of the why and the vision and… keep our batteries charged.

And then: we need to make it look irresistible and start spreading the right message on the appropriate channels so that others will follow and customers will fall in love. And who can help with all of that? You guessed it: a coach, a consultant and a creative multitasker.

Nina Haberlehner - Logoicon Coaching


As your coach, I support you in becoming the strongest version of yourself, in creating a clear vision of where you want to take your business or your life and how to get there.

tap into your own resources, create a vision and confidently evolve into your strongest version

Work-with-me options
  • 10-session packages
  • Ongoing single sessions
  • Tailor-made programs

values alignment, leadership, goal setting, decision making, overcoming obstacles, improving performance, finding courage, building up confidence, stress management, and more

Nina Haberlehner - Logoicon Consulting


As your consultant, I help you implement solutions for your specific and unique growth challenges. I develop and walk you through the strategic plans you need to get growth going.

acquire a skilled sparring partner, customized solutions and long-lasting strategies

Work-with-me options
  • Single sessions
  • 10-session packages
  • Monthly support packages
  • Tailor-made training sessions
  • Co-creation workshops
  • Project outsourcing

brand architecture and corporate identity, strategy and business model development, market analysis, trademark registration, digital marketing, employer branding, recruiting, know-how transfer, and more

Nina Haberlehner - Logoicon Creative


And as your creative one-stop-shop,
I create a brand that is not only memorable, but an indispensable partner to your customers, a reliable ally and an inspirational friend.

make your brand desirable, your message memorable, your storytelling believable

Work-with-me options
  • Custom work

brand creation, storytelling, image campaigns and products, product launches, communication concepts, event planning, video scripting and videography, visuals, copywriting, and more

Still not sure what’s right for you?

Hiring a coach or consultant sometimes feels like having to choose a medical specialist when you aren’t even 100% sure what your diagnosis is. I get it - so sit back, relax and...

Let's have a chat!